COMSATS Officials Called on ECOSF President

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On May 9th, 2024, Dr. Mehwish Durani, Additional Director (Head CCCS and Coordinator for International Partner Organizations), visited Prof. Seyed Komail Tayebi, the President of ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF), at the ECOSF premises in Islamabad. Accompanying her was Dr. Huma Baloch, Deputy Director (Coordinator for International Partner Organizations).

The purpose of the visit was to explore joint ventures and formalize collaboration in areas of mutual interest between COMSATS and ECOSF. Both organizations, as dedicated intergovernmental entities, are committed to advancing science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development across Global South nations, aiming to leverage their collective experiences. This envisioned collaboration seeks to promote sustainable development among member countries, including shared members such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and the Republic of Türkiye.

During the meeting, Dr. Durani provided Prof. Tayebi with updates on COMSATS and CCCS's ongoing projects and activities, particularly those focused on promoting climate action and advocating for environmental protection. She also highlighted CCCS's extensive network at national, regional, and international levels. Additionally, she discussed upcoming initiatives at local and regional levels, including preparations for COP29. In response, Dr. Tayebi informed Dr. Durani about ECOSF's ongoing programs and capacity-building projects in shared areas of interest. Furthermore, Dr. Durani apprised ECOSF about CCCS's ongoing efforts to celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th, 2024, and extended an offer of collaboration for the event.

Prof. Tayebi expressed his satisfaction with COMSATS' efforts and appreciated their programs and activities aimed at promoting South-South and Triangular Cooperation to achieve the 2030 Agenda while giving due consideration to environmental preservation. He pledged ECOSF's representation at COMSATS events and activities in the future.

Both organizations are poised to formalize their collaboration through a Memorandum of Understanding, binding their mutual efforts to advance their agenda among their members.

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