The Deputy Minister of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare of Iran visited ECOSF

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H.E. Mr. Maskani, the Deputy Minister of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare of Iran along with Mr. Mohammadi, the head of the Knowledge-Based Companies Commission of the Iran Cooperative Chamber and Officials from Iranian Embassy visited ECOSF Secretariat on August 30, 2022. The delegation was warmly welcomed by the President ECOSF Prof. Komail Tayebi.

During the visit, a meeting was also held. Main focus of this meeting was to discuss the cooperation between ECOSF and the Iranian Institutes. Following ideas/points were agreed in principle:

  • Supporting knowledge- based companies and corporations in the region with the goal of economic development,
  • Identifying activities and comparative advantages of Start-ups corporations and accelerators in the ECO region,
  • Working well to implement and promote innovation centers, as well as to support them for knowledge and technology transfer, and
  • Understanding a major role of ECOSF on the creation of a cooperative innovation center in the organizational body of the ECOSF. The purpose of this idea is to bring 10 ECO member countries on a single platform to improve the technology and relations among the member countries.

The visit was cordially ended.

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