ECOSF participated in a Training Program on ‘Gender, Water Management and Climate Adaptation’ organized by the IMSciences Peshawar and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
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The Centre for Public Policy Research at the Institute of Management Sciences (IMSciences) Peshawar together with International Education for Water Education (IHE), Netherlands coorganised a Tailer Made Training for Water and Climate Change professionals from across Pakistan from January 28 to February 01, 2019 in Islamabad.

The opening ceremony was addressed by Dr. Muhammad Mohsin; Director IMSciences, Professor Margreet Zwarteveen; Head of IHE Delft, Ms. Josephine Frantzen; Charge d’Affairs Embassy of Netherlands, and Ms. Sitara Ayaz; Chairperson Standing Committee on Climate Change. Training attracted a large number of distinguished processionals form the government, academia, media, international organizations as well as the private sector. On behalf of ECOSF, Mr. Khalil Raza Scientific Officer Participated in the five-day event.
Prof. Margreet Zwarteven was the lead resource person for the training. The training covered numerous aspects of water governance, including the trans-boundary water challenges, Integrated Water Management, Public Policy and Politics of Climate Adaptation, and other key topics. Prof Zwarteveen said that climate change and other associated global environmental issues had manifested the fact that all old knowledge, policies and mechanisms had gone outdated and insufficient to cope with the induced matter of water scarcity. Thus there is a dire need to build mechanisms and understanding of the water governance and management concepts in an integrated manner.