ECOSF Participated in “International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE)-2020”
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UNESCO in partnership with Mobius Foundation and the Climate Reality Project on 9th -10th September 2020 jointly organised the two-day International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE). The conference focused on sharing innovative ideas and understanding on sustainability education within the overall objective of strengthening the role of education in changing attitudes and behaviour towards positive action for a better quality of life and environment ultimately leading to the achievement of SDGs and creating a sustainable future for all.

This conference was organized as a major sustainability event to bring together thought leaders, practitioners, teachers, educators, policymakers as well as youth from around the globe to share innovative ideas, case studies, practices and policies and came forward with recommendations for incorporating environmental sustainability as a core concept in the school education system. On behalf of ECOSF, President ECOSF Prof. Manzoor Hussain Soomro participated in the Conference.
Mr. Pradip Burman, Chairman Mobius Foundation underscored as to how the sustainability education in post COVID era is critical to promote environmental education. Dr. Ram Boojh CEO Mobius Foundation said that sustainability education is the key to understand complexity of nature and outdoor hands on activities be practiced beyond the comforts of homes during COVID-19 or beyond the classrooms post COVID scenarios.