President ECOSF visited INSF to discuss areas of mutual collaboration and promote STI in the ECO region

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President of ECOSF, Prof. Seyed Komail Tayebi visited the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) on April 7, 2024 and held a meeting with Prof. Ali Mohammad Soltani, Vice President for Research and Technology at INSF, and Dr. Saeid Maddah, Head of International Affairs at INSF.

The discussion focused on implementing joint research collaborations between Iran and Pakistan via INSF, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), and the Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF). They aimed to promote bilateral cooperation in basic and applied research across all fields of science, humanities, and technology. They agreed to support mutually agreed-upon areas and regional research priority areas of the ECO region.

Science promotion activities of mutual interest also included joint scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, workshops, exhibitions, and more. The exchange of individual scientists for conducting research work, sharing information about ongoing research activities, adopting scientific methods, and establishing scientific contacts for developing research projects were also recommended.

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