The 10th ISTIC Governing Board Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia, May 15, 2017
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10th Governing Board Meeting of International Science Technology and Innovation Center (ISTIC) was held in Kuala Lumpur on 15 May 2017. The meeting was chaired by the new Chairman of the Governing Board (GB) Dato Dr. Samsudin Tugiman. This was his first Board meeting since he took over from Dato Ir Dr. Lee, Yee Cheong. President ECO Science Foundation Prof. Dr. Manzoor H. Soomro as member of ISTIC GB participated in the meeting and contributed to decision making. The meeting was attended by the members from all continents.
3rd Biennial International Conference on Women in Science Technology and Innovation (STI): “Innovative Solutions by Women for UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2016 - 2030” held on May 15-16, 2017
In the sidelines of 10th ISTIC Governing Board meeting, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Women in Science Technology and Innovation (STI) was held on May 15-16, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. The conference focused on practical solutions by women in STI for the SDGs. The conference was organized by ISTIC and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MoSTI) Malaysia. The major themes of the conference were to highlight the role of women in education, science, culture, health, engineering and technology and entrepreneurship. The objectives of holding this conference was to show-case successful innovations in STI by women in solving or minimising problems faced by women; to exchange and share experiences on how to achieve SDG No.5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” by 2030. UNESCO Director General H.E Ms. Irina Bokova in her opening remarks stressed for the effective mobilization of the human resources including women, as half the human population are women; they have all the potential, compassion and they can put all their efforts together to achieve the SDGs by 2030. This is why there is now the global political will in SDG No.5 to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” by 2030. “World needs Science and Science needs Women", she added.
The conference brought together key stakeholders, where they presented success stories of STI projects and innovative initiatives by women and discussed the strategic measures to address issues facing women in the developing countries. President ECO Science Foundation Prof. Manzoor H. Soomro appreciated the continuity of this initiative.