ECOSF follows up with PITE Quetta for Implementation of IBSE in Schools of Balochistan- Pakistan
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Assistant Director (Admin & Programmes) ECOSF Mr. Ghulam Abbas visited Provincial Institute of Teachers Education (PITE) Quetta, Balochistan province of Pakistan on 25 April 2017 as a follow up on IBSE activities there.
It is pertinent to mention that ECOSF and PSF in collaboration with LAMAP France had organized a Capacity Building Workshop on IBSE last year from 5-9 September 2016in Islamabad and five participants from Balochistan (three from PITE Quetta, one from Bureau of Curriculum & Extension Centre and one from College of Education Quetta) were trained in the workshop. Thus, the main purpose of the visit was to meet those trainers and review the progress made by them on IBSE implementation in their centre. During the meeting, Mr. Abbas made a presentation. In his presentation, he introduced ECOSF and its aims & objectives. The programmes of the Foundation were highlighted, especially, the Implementation of Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) in Schools was discussed in details.
25 participants including two Deputy Directors (Admin and Training) and senior trainers of PITE attended the meeting. The participants of the meeting appreciated the work of the Foundation in promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in ECO region and showed keen interest in the programmes of the Foundation.
Afterwards, one of the participants of IBSE Workshop Mr. Naseer-ul-Haq made a presentation about the work done by them on IBSE after the workshop. Mr. Naseer told that on October 08, 2016, session on orientation about workshop of IBSE to PITE and Bureau of Curriculum & Extension Centre(BoC&EC) academic staff was given and a lesson about IBSE was introduced in Elementary school teacher training for 28 Districts of Balochistan. He further said that different sessions on IBSE have been introduced in the training modules of PITE. He also shared that new curriculum for schools is going to be developed in the province and this concept will be introduced in new curriculum as a Pedagogy for student centered learning. In his presentation, he also informed that a proposal for development of IBSE Resource Centers under consideration which needs help from other organizations and Government.

The Deputy Director (Training) Mr. Tariq Hassan thanked ECOSF for visiting the PITE and sharing the fruitful information with his colleagues. He requested that full workshop on IBSE may be conducted in PITE for training of more teachers of the centre. In the response, Assistant Director (AD) ECOSF asked hoststhat a concrete proposal on the matter may be shared with ECOSF for consideration of any possible support. AD also told them that the trainers who were trained last year, can train more teachers here in the centre which as agreed upon.
AD thanked all the participants for sparing their precious time to attend the meeting and advised them to be more active. He also suggested that it is time of internet and social media, thus their approach should be in accordance with the prevailing communication system to get more and more benefits from the programmes of the Foundation and other national and international organizations who share their all programmes on the websites and social media.
The meeting was concluded with the commitment that PITE will be more active and the suggestions made by AD will be given due consideration.