President ECOSF visited Sistan and Baluchestan Science and Technology Park of Sistan and Baluchestan (STPSB) in Zahedan
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April 17, 2024 During his trip to Zahedan, Prof. Tayebi was invited by the president of STPSB, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nabi Sheihaki to visit the Science and Technology Park of Sistan and Baluchestan located in the city of Zahedan, Province of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
Delegates from MSRT, USB, Kerman University, Hormozgan University, and Zabol University accompanied Prof. Tayebi. During the visit, Dr. Sheihaki, President of SBTP, explained the park's activities in science, technology, and innovation. Prof. Tayebi highlighted the important role of this park and its potential to collaborate with other technology parks in the ECO region. He added that since the Province of Sistan and Baluchestan neighbors the Province of Baluchistan in Pakistan, there would be a good opportunity for technological institutions in the region to explore collaboration possibilities. Dr. Sheihaki mentioned that the park welcomes any technology and scientific groups to visit STPSB.

The Science and Technology Park of Sistan and Baluchestan hosts more than 290 knowledge-based, technological, and creative companies. It emphasizes the existing capacities in the region by combining infrastructure processes and facilitation teams over an area of more than 80 hectares and establishing 10 growth and innovation centers in the province. The park has effective communication capacity for the youth and elites of society with the business environment by setting up fab-labs (fabrication laboratories) and specialized laboratories in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the Metaverse.