Message from President ECOSF Prof. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro on Scientist Day (March 10, 2017)

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It gives me an immense pleasure to congratulate all the scientific community on Scientists Day, March 10, 2017. Scientists have always played a critical role in the development of this world, and their innovations and inventions have led to significant technological advancements, which have continuously improved our lives. Today, Pakistan faces enormous challenges and it will be extremely difficult for us to improve our lives, feed our growing populations, and protect our children and environment, if we cannot invest in our young scientists to find efficient, cheaper and smarter ways of manufacturing goods and commercialization. I consider myself a strong proponent of Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) and inquiry based lifelong learning (SDG-4). Today’s child is tomorrow’s leader, politician, policy maker, business person but above all, a scientist; and if we provide our children- leaders of tomorrow, with the opportunity to discover and inculcate the concept of inquiry and questioning in them; they would be better, responsible and critical thinking human beings.

While planning for the future in this constantly changing world, scientists will be at the core of most of the challenges in responding to our needs. I believe Pakistani scientists have all the potential to create scientific, technological, economic, and business opportunities to maintain prosperity of Pakistan in today’s competitive global economy. Our future sustained economic standing and development of our society, solely depends on our ability to nurture Pakistan’s future generations especially of scientists. As scientific professions, it is our professional and national responsibility therefore, that we inspire our children and youth to study Science, Engineering, Technology, Innovation and ENtrepreneurSHIP (SETIENSHIP) by appreciating Arts and Social Sciences and prepare as capable and critical thinking citizens and leaders if we are to meet the challenges of the future.

I take this opportunity to remind all that over 50% of global as well as Pakistani population is females, thus we must allow our greater half to use their talents and God gifted faculties to contribute towards a better tomorrow. If we the men do not allow girls and women (SDG5) to participate; it means, we would be wasting over 50% of the human talent on earth. Women have proved that if given the opportunity and conducive workplace environment, they can do even better than their male colleagues. However, let us not forget that there should not be comparison even in real siblings, as every individual is born as separate entity and must have different talents and may behave differently! That is the beauty of diversity in nature across species; God said it in Quran and the science has proven it.


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