UNIDO-ECO Expert Group Meeting on “Formulation of Guidelines for the Development of National Quality Policy” 18-20 July 2016
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UNIDO-ECO Expert Group Meeting on “Formulation of Guidelines for the Development of National Quality Policy” held at Marriott hotel Islamabad during 18-20 July 2016. The meeting was opened by H.E Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In his opening remarks he welcomed all the participants and delegates of capacity building workshop and stressed that development of Quality Policy is very important for the developing countries as Pakistan and other ECO member states to have sustainable economies.

MoST, PSQCA, PNAC, NPSL, PCSIR involved in this event together with ECO Secretariat under a UNIDO financed project. ECO Science Foundation being a specialized agency of ECO also participated in the inaugural session with the presence of its President, Prof. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro. ECOSF being housed in MoST can involve PSQCA, PNAC, UNIDO and MoST for harmonization of Science, Technology and Innovation policies.