Workshop on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship' held on 23 February 2017
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"Workshop on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship held on 23 February 2017",
co-organized by Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro and ECO Science Foundation
Workshop on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship' co-organized by Centre of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro and ECO Science Foundation was held on 23rd Feb, 2017 at Hyderabad-Pakistan. President ECO Science Foundation Prof. Dr. Manzoor Hussain Soomro participated as a main keynote speaker. He proposed a new concept of SETIENSHIP (Science, Engineering, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and made a Power Point Presentation entitled, “Science, Engineering, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SETIENSHIP) for Sustainable Development”.

Prof. Manzoor H. Soomro briefly introduced ECO Science Foundation, its aims & objectives, activities, programmes as well as strategic steps and partners. Dr. Soomro in his presentation highlighted the importance of Science, Engineering, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SETIENSHIP) and its linkages with Sustainable Development in Pakistan. “SETIENSHIP is an integrated and holistic approach where innovation in science and engineering leads to new technologies and products, while entrepreneurship creates the business and economic opportunities”, he added.
Dr. Soomro while highlighting the role of UN SDGs said that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls on all countries including Pakistan to make progress in the welfare of their citizens in a sustainable manner to ensure the long-term viability of all development and growth. SETIENSHIP is extremely relevant to Pakistan, as it is key driver of inclusive growth, creation of new economic opportunities, jobs and wealth in a manner that is environmentally sound and socially inclusive. “SETIENSHIP is considered as critical to achieve sustainable development, as it serves serves as a crucial driver of rising prosperity and the national competitiveness”, he added.
Dr. Soomro further stressed that sustainable and inclusive development is incomplete without a full consideration of issues of SETIENSHIP. It is going to be very difficult for developing countries to raise living standards, feed growing populations, keep children healthy and protect environment, if we cannot innovate and find better, cheaper and smarter ways of producing goods and services. He also emphasized the role of Inquiry Based Science Education in promotion of SETIENSHIP.

President ECOSF also shared the ECOSF Initiatives on UN SDGs 2030: The “AppIdea2R” Contest. It has been designed by ECOSF for empowering and mobilising youth and accelerating the implementation of sustainable solutions in the community at national and international levels. . It is an open opportunity for university students of the 10 ECO countries to become part of an international team to solve the social problems as well as win prizes. Prof. Soomro also actively contributed in panel discussion on the theme "Responsibilities of Universities in Development of Science and Technology".
Following are few priority recommendations and outcomes of the workshop that should be considered by Policy makers at higher levels and Universities themselves to better contribute towards the scientific and technological development:
- Universities curriculum may be revised with more emphasis on skill development/ application oriented towards resolution of indigenous problem.
- Teaching methodologies, like interactive teaching may be adopted.
- Teachers training for new teaching methodology should be mandatory
It is pertinet to mention that the workshop was a part of "Symposium and workshops on Bio-waste Derived Carbons for Waste-to-energy conversion and water purification" organized by NCEAC, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh-Pakistan during 20-23 February 2017 in Hyderabad. This activity was part of an ongoing project "Empowering of Pakistani Women through translational research in Science: Waste-to-Energy Conversation under Pak - US Science & Technology program (Phase - VI).