2nd International Workshop on X-Rays Crystallography in Structural Biology 15-19 October 2016, held at Lahore-Pakistan
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The 2nd International Workshop on X-Ray Crystallography in Structural Biology was held in Foreman Christian College (FCC), Lahore Pakistan, during 15-19 October 2016. Foreman Christian College (FCC) Lahore, ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF) supported by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) and International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) organized this International workshop. The main objective of the workshop was to provide a platform to the participants coming from various countries including ECO countries to share their scientific knowledge/wisdom and to develop a networking for future cooperation/collaboration between their institutes/organizations and application of the techniques.
The workshop was opened by the Executive Director of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan Professor Arshad Ali, who appreciated the collective efforts of the partner organizations in holding the workshop. He ensured the participants for continuous support of HEC for such endeavors.
In all, 32 participants including three from ECO countries (Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) participated in the workshop. All expenses (air tickets, local hospitality, etc) of the three participants from other ECO countries were borne by ECOSF. The International Resource Rersons/Trainers included Professor Samar Hassnain from the University of Liverpool, UK, Dr. Usman Mirza from Denmark, Dr.Saleem (UK), Dr. Richard (Brazil) and Four other Pakistani Scientists.
The workshop was closed on 19th Oct 2016. President ECOSF Professor Manzoor Hussain Soomro was the Chief Guest in the closing ceremony. Dr. Joseph James, the Pro-Rector of FCC and Dr. Kausar Abdulla Malik thanked Dr. Soomro for his presence and congratulated the participants on completion of the course.

President ECOSF in his remarks congratulated the participants, Resource persons and FC College Management for making the workshop successful. He also apprised the audience that for knowledge-based societies, there is need to make science education and science careers attractive for young people to enable them to opt for a scientific careers; thus allowing scientifically literate citizens to actively participate all along their life to the socioeconomic development of their countries. Therefore, the concept of "inquiry” i.e. critical thinking and critical observation to nurture the understanding of scientific and technological innovations. He further added, since IBSE is a process in which not only facts are explained but where questions, problems and scenarios are presented to the people to solve issues. Therefore, IBSE is a step forward to ensure sustainable supply of young talent for linking advance research with economic development. It not only enhances research interest through improving knowledge levels of the young generation but also helpful in building a science community at national as well as global level. He also shared with participants the competition among University Students of ECO countries including Pakistan on Application Idea to Reality (AppIdea2R) for solutions to the 17 UN SDGs. The competition will be conducted in Nov. 2016. Dr. Soomro also congratulated FC College Management for successfully hosting the workshop.
It is pertinent to mention that this workshop is part of the series of workshops at FCC triggered by an International conference on, “Emerging Trends in Life Sciences” held by ECOSF and FCC in Oct. 2014. There it was resolved that Capacity Building Workshops in the emerging sciences and use of technology will be conducted.