President ECOSF Discusses Ongoing Collaboration with Children and Youth Science Center of CAST during Visit to Beijing

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Beijing, July 4, 2023 - President ECOSF, Professor Seyed Komail Tayebi visited the Children and Youth Science Center (CYSCC) under the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) on July 4, 2023. During the visit, Prof. Tayebi held a meeting with Ms. Xin Bing, Director General of CYSC, Mr. Zhang Zhenwei, Deputy General Director of CYSC, Ms. Yang Feng, Deputy Director of the Department of Communication CYSC, and Ms. Hou Nan, Project Manager of the Department of Communication of CYSC.

The primary focus of the meeting was to discuss the ongoing collaboration between ECOSF and CYSC on the Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp. It is important to highlight that Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp is an annual event, which serves as a platform to promote scientific literacy among young students, encouraging their interest and engagement in scientific pursuits. ECOSF has played an active role in facilitating the participation of young students, teachers, and scholars from the ECO Region for the past five years.


During the meeting, President ECOSF expressed his appreciation for the partnership with CYSC and acknowledged the significant impact of the Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp in nurturing scientific curiosity and innovation among young minds. He emphasized the importance of providing opportunities for students to explore science and technology through practical experiences and hands-on learning.

Ms. Xin Bing, Director General of CYSC highlighted the successful outcomes of the collaboration and the valuable contributions made by participants from the ECO Region. She expressed her gratitude for ECOSF's continued support and stressed the importance of international cooperation in fostering scientific education and creating a sustainable future.


President Tayebi commended the efforts of CYSC in promoting scientific literacy and inspiring the next generation of innovators. He expressed his confidence in the future success of the collaboration and the potential it holds for empowering young students in the ECO Region through access to quality scientific education.

The meeting concluded with a reaffirmation of commitment from both parties to further enhance collaboration and expand the reach of the Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp. They discussed potential strategies to broaden participation, exchange best practices, and strengthen the overall impact of the initiative.

At the end, Ms. Xin Bing invited Prof. Tayebi to attend the 7th Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop which would be held in November, 2023, in Chongqing and to deliver a keynote speech in the opening ceremony. She also invited Prof. Tayebi to serve as a member of Belt and Road International Science Education Consortium (BRISEC).  

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